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hey, just curious, dunno if it's exclusive to android or anything

every update creates a new app, not updates the currently available app (layman's terms is every time I "update" the vn I get two apps instead, one updated version and one past version)

is this intentional? and if so (or not), can you at least make a chapter select thingy? it's kinda exhausting sitting thru the past stuff skipping up to the updated stuff

Anyway, great stuff. Different from other VNs I've seen, but it's good. Relatable and the mc doesn't go on a long tangent on how the light shines or whatever like a poet so it's nice.

(1 edit) (+1)

It might be intentional because the file name of the game is different each update, Renpy is kinda annoying sometimes with updating games so it's completely understandable.

You can manually transfer the saves from one update to another pretty easily anyways.


I'm bad at putting my emotions and my taughts into words but i really really like this VN , it feels so real... i like that , thanks for this vn.


I've played this game twice and at this point, I thought it was a good time to share my thoughts on it.

I'll expand a bit more from the given description just so people can get a better idea of what "Blossom City" (BC) is.

It is a kinetic/linear slice-of-life VN. Instead of being the lovey-dovey mushy slice-of-life that most romance-themed furry VNs go for, BC's more akin to a depressive perspective of life, given that the MC is a somewhat depressed young adult. It's not like the "I'm always sad" depressive, but rather like being stuck in a rut in life, comfortable but not happy; unwilling to budge from the comfort due to a lack of will and the means to do so.

The story shows the MC's thoughts, feelings, mindset, and emotions through his life situation and what he is experiencing throughout the story, which is surprisingly good for his character development even if it is simple.

BC's story, in combination with its art and original soundtrack; creates this rustic feeling of a comforting and relatable slice-of-life yet is merely, to quote the story itself; "a facade of comfort crumbling away, betrayed by years of poor treatment."

I feel people will enjoy it. Just don't go in expecting something that plays to what people consider normal from dating sims and furry VNs. Try it, and see if the story captivates you. You can expect pretty good art and soundtracks though!

As of the time of writing this, the build should take about 2 to 2.5 hours to complete if you go at its auto-forward speed.

Enjoy I say.


ahhh i found a hidden gem.


hi, I'm new to the game, and I just want to say that I'm loving it so far

the characters are interesting, the writing is making me want to read more an the pacing is wonderful and intriguing, I'd love to see more of it in the future!

that being said, rest and personal health comes first, so rest when needed, no rush, Loved the game!
-Ace Ayasaki

What's new in the latest released update? Are there more routes than the Lion's?




Man this VN hits differently. From the dialogue to the ost, the only way i can describe this is as an experience, and an amazing one at that! Love the story, keep up the good work

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